Monday, October 24, 2011

Falling Satellite Warning: Don't forget to wear your helmet.

So if you haven't heard, there have been a couple of "missing satellites" that have recently found their way back to Mother Earth in a rather short period of time.  Being at the forefront of modern technology, these satellites have served their purpose and it is only fitting that they retire--into the UNKNOWN.  Yes, apparently tracking the satellites requires more than a degree in rocket engineering.  It's apparently super easy to lose track of them pesky satellites when they enter the atmosphere.  The most recent is a German one, but not too long ago I recall NASA saying "whoops" too.  <--click to read more bout that.

I can hear the rocket engineers now, " all fairness, once it enters the atmosphere, it's a job for the meteorologists *chuckle chuckle, wink wink*."

But seriously... "Somewhere over Asia" is not the most reassuring estimation. At least approximate more than the largest continent on Earth.  Thanks!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Amazing, I read Yahoo news to giggle about the typos

Really, I read yahoo news because I like its interface, it's easy on the eyes (mine at least).  But man don't you think a news story on the web would be 12309!82 times easier to proof read considering you got, i dono, forever to update it?

I remember a friend of mine expressing this little peeve of his and I couldn't help but think he was a little... uppety bout spelling?  He is kinda book wormsy--although he dedicates his powers to fantasy leagues instead of evil.  Nonetheless, it made me laugh a little, until I thought about it more deeply.  If the internet serves "virtually" as a library of sorts--where news paper print has become tree-friendly--then it's a wonder why some Yahoo webmaster doesn't just occasionally read the HEADLINES from time to time?  or I don't know, the person who reported it?

Otherwise, as the joe shmoe internet news reader, i really could give two shits.  It's not like typos are grammar mistakes... unless they are, in which case f-u for wasting my-- oh wait, yahoo news is free.  :-D

Monday, August 8, 2011

The pleasures and pain of automatic "does it for you"

This could easily turn into a discussion of the benefits of autonomy versus the burdens and responsibilities.  I would love to write that when I have time.  But I don't.

Before the horrible idea of Google Instant, there was Microsoft Word's incessant "autocorrection."  How did I not see this before!?

Granted, auto correct does come in handy, but I would bet that I'm un-auto-correcting things more often than I'm depending on it.

Seriously, am I a victim of being...self...sufficient?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Strange Weather Patterns

I'm no meteorologist, nor do I need to be in order to say that the weather has been funky lately.  How far back does "lately" extend to, that is a matter of opinion that I'll leave to the meteorologists to bicker about.  But yes, things are weird, that's for sure.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Rich side of the Tracks

Forgive me for what will be a rather insensitive post, but I'm tired of hearing people bitch about the rich.  It's become such a trend in itself to moan about "elitist rich folk" that I'm starting to wonder if this trend wasn't created by some rich guy in order to make himself more money.