Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Safe Sex: Almost good enough even for a Pope

Apart from apparently having insatiable sex drives, many Africans paradoxically maintain some strong Christian-Catholic beliefs...

But let's step back a little Africa has been battling AIDS for god knows how long, and when there's some news to hear it usually doesn't ever seem like it's gonna be the good kind. Really, when the countries of Africa aren't being plagued by corrupt governments, turmoil and chaos, natural catastrophies, pirates, military coups, starvation, exploitation, genocide, war and the occasional cough and sniffles---the continent is usually getting smacked around by the HIV virus and AIDS or some other epedemic.

So, where abortion seems like a difficult discussion, the use of condoms in a place where an STD is killing the masses?? Abstinence is a great solution for an ideal world- but that's like telling smokers to simply quit smoking. Problem solved?

It's a principle the church should be willing to bend on.... the war will go on, but this battle of "no condoms" isn't always the one to fight... AIDS comes first.

WTF Korea?¿

I get it. North and South Korea just don't get along. But seriously? This is like hearing about two kids on the playground, except instead of rocks they got missiles.

North and South Korea story

I'm curious to see how China and the U.S. are going to continue their counter-alliances...

Monday, November 22, 2010

Late Night Talk Shows: it's not as easy as it looks.

So most people may not know what the show "El Homiguero" is unless you've been around Spain or you're just a freak of international pop culture. Anyways, it's basically the closest thing Spain has for a late night talk show. I actually like it because apart from being one of the few live shows (which has a certain charm) it tries really hard to be a hot spot for stars and musicians just like any late night show, in spite of the fact that a star is completely unable to speak spanish. The problem is, this doesn't always go the smoothest.

This is Jesse Eisenberg's reaction. Sadly, I think he has a point.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Unoriginal, yet practical!

So in my effort to give this "blog" of sorts a value above that of utter shight I've decided I'll make it a spot of sharing more than anything. Videos, news stories, pictures, other blogs and the occasional two cents from yours truly. So while it will seep down into unoriginality and lose it's connection to my personal happenings, I'd rather it be less personal, more factual and finally seeing where that goes. Kinda like what everybody does on facebook and twitter (and blogs) already.