Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Google Instant... boy you suck

Seriously, how much more INSTANT does google need to get?  Am I that dependent on google's amazing search system that I need them to find the "search" button and push it for me before I can do it myself?

I think Google is starting to find that fine line between customer satisfaction and smothering mommy syndrome. And to make it worse, Google manages to add their grand ideas in a way that takes you by surprise.  One day you're comfortable with how things have become, next thing you're trying to figure how the hell you can get things back to the way they were.

Lastly, with any new change there should always be an easily located "button" to disactivate it.  Why would I think of going into my Search Settings to disactivate something I had never activated in the first place?  Granted, I did think of it, but it's an unnecessary hassle that Google created for me.

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